Welcome to Biomat'X Research Laboratories

Welcome to Biomat'X Research Laboratories •

Lab Highlights

James successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations Dr. Porter!

Our Research

Research in biomaterials and bio-interfaces combines knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry, and engineering. This makes research in this field challenging, interesting and rewarding.

Our Lab

Our laboratory is located in the McGill University Genome Centre and is equipped with state of the art tools and machines, some of which are the only ones in Canada! Moreover, it brings together students and researchers from across the world and from various different backgrounds! Each researcher presents a unique and different set of research expertise and skills that allows us to perform research across various disciplines.

Our Community

At the Biomat’X Laboratory, you are sure to find a collaborative and friendly community and environment. Catch the team out for brunch, on a camping trip, or simply enjoying a nice day at the park!

Research at the Biomat’X Laboratory was and continues to be possible thanks to the logistical and financial support of: